Saturday, May 14, 2011

Surviving as Service

I have returned from NEEHU2 back to North MOFN.

North MOFN [nawrth mawf-in]
1. Town in the Canadian arctic originally founded to fulfil a government requirement for a dry place to keep a filing cabinet, now a regional hub for transportation and supplying natural resource explorations. From Middle Of F'ing Nowhere, where the F may or may not stand for Freezing.

I was busy with work before and I've been busy with work and illness since, so I'm way behind on housework, getting ready to move across town, doing my taxes, cooking batch meals to take to work so I don't have to buy stuff on the way, stocking up on supplies so I don't have to buy stuff when everything has to be flown in, taking what few things can be recycled to the recycler, and generally leading a smooth and organized life. I've got catching up to do while everything's still going on.

This isn't a complaint, it's a project outline. Because this IS my project. For this phase of my life, this is my service, to get my life back on track, to make Her pet a better one. To get everything else squared away so that I can spend time with Her when She's available, and so I can get back to pursuing some sort of creative hobby so I have something to share. To reduce stress and keep Her pet healthy so that when She wants me to serve Her -- editing recordings, for example -- I can focus and do the task effectively.

I was writing a table here to keep track of my dailyselfcare tasks through the week (with unicode checkboxes for things I accomplished and gears for exercising on the bike and flowers for exercising to a video and caution signs for exceeding limits on things like soft drinks and...), but doing tables in Blogger takes up more time than getting things done, which is a trap I get in to all too often. Managed to recognize it this time before it frustrated me into giving up, though. That's a good start!

So here's the plan.
  • Everyday: Vitamins, medication, run dishwasher, exercise (20 min bike at work or Japanese Radio Exercise no.1), weight-to-go tea, tea ritual (which I will explain in my next post), scan As Required list.
  • As Required: IF basket is full THEN run laundry. IF there are clean clothes THEN fold & store.
  • Weekly: Track groceries & supplies purchased, make a make-ahead batch meal for the week to come, change sheets, vacuum one floor, really clean one room, make an entry in this blog, phone parents.
  • Limits: Soft drinks (1/day), alcohol drinks (2/wk), restaurant or take-out (2/mo)
Things will be added in once these habits are well established. I'll eventually be doing one or two tarot card meditations each week, daily light & sound sessions, setting a minimum quota for drinking water, maybe a limit on caffeinated drinks, maybe pre-emptively monitoring blood glucose.

But I will start with this.

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