Sunday, June 19, 2011

Drama, and the Lack Thereof

Because M'Lady is often busy, I don't get to play with Her often. Because of this, She allows me to play with others. Because i know that i am Hers, and that knowledge is alloyed into my very being, i feel safe in doing so, especially in Second Life. i haven't really had much opportunity to do so in RL, but the same thing applies. Pretty much all of the people i play with with any regularity respect me for this, even if i have had people tell me after some scenes that they regret that i'm already owned (i take this as a compliment, both to me and to M'Lady).

One of the people i play with fairly regularly in Second Life has been having to deal with a rather unfortunate amount of drama in the group of people connected to her, and after helping calm a particular situation last week, i got to thinking about how grateful i am that, thanks to a variety of factors, drama like that doesn't happen in our, well, family.

Part of it, i think, is that those of us who are Chosen had to earn M'Lady's collar. Even those online who don't follow the regrettably common practice of collaring someone after a couple of scenes still don't quite have the same connection that M'Lady has with each of us. Another part is likely that we have all met each other in RL and have a fair amount in common aside from just being M'Lady's and being into hypnosis. i'm pretty sure our combined levels of geekiness might have something to do with why we each ended up with M'Lady to begin with, but it still serves as a fairly major point through which we all bond.

In short, i am very proud to call each of you brother or sister... every bit as proud as i am to be M'Lady's.

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