Monday, June 27, 2011

More thoughts on self-care

To us who love and serve Lady Ru'etha, the phrase obedience is pleasure takes many forms. One way that frequently shows is our self care. A happy submissive will serve better, and our Lady wants us to be happy, and has ordered us to do things to take care of ourselves, so that, in itself, is service.

My self care usually involves a number of little things across my day. Enjoying a long, hot shower, eating right (by eating smaller meals but more of them), making sure I take my meds for my HRT, and even searching for ways to improve my complexion all are things that happen almost every day. These are the ones that I often don't even think of as service to Her, simply because I don't think about them, but, when it comes down to it, by doing these for me, I'm doing them for Her.

Then there's the things that happen less frequently, such as a new book, going to a movie, buying other nice things that I enjoy (I happen to *LOVE* the store Lush, and am slowly replacing all my bath stuff with their stuff =^_^=). Those are the ones that I really have to watch myself on, since they are extra expenditures, but I try to balance out finances and pleasure.

I'm also trying to improve my situation overall, as part of my self care. I've begun looking into local colleges and trying to find social groups to be a part of. Family is family and can't be replaced, but as a social person, I need to get out and hang from time to time. I find it more enjoyable to share my experiences with others, as opposed to going alone.

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