Monday, September 26, 2011

9 Things of Myself

1: i used to fight parts of my soul, and back before i had actually grown up, it made me seem a bit, well, emo. i've learned to accept all of who i am now, and even the worst parts of me have had a purpose in my life, and in some cases have saved it. In accepting the good and the bad (and the parts of me that lots of people have problems reconciling that don't really fall under either), i've gained a measure of control over the worst parts, and peace with the seemingly mutually-exclusive parts.
2: i have met so gorram many cool people at DragonCon that i genuinely pity those who have never been, and i long to return almost as much as i long to be with M'Lady again (which, as my brothers and sisters in Her service know, is saying a hell of a lot). Seriously, my personal calendar used to begin and end on Labor Day weekend.
3: i'm not actually jealous of my roommate's skill at painting miniatures. After all, i taught him over the course of weeks the skills that took me years to figure out on my own. He's still got the same problem the Simpsons has in catching up with Doctor Who, though, because i keep learning and trying new things. i am a bit envious, though, just because he actually HAS a teacher, and i never did.
4: Sometimes i wish i could write like i used to. It seems like a large amount of my inspiration has gone from writing to converting and painting miniatures, and coming up with campaigns for RPGs i may or may not ever get a chance to run.
5: At work, i put up a sign i made by hand using my l33t calligraphy skills that says "Welcome to the (Company Name) Service Desk. Let the Lord of Chaos reign!", and wrote, translated into Icelandic by Google and written in proper Futhark, "Claimed by Loki" on the whiteboard. Neither have been taken down so far. Given what we've experienced in getting started up, i'm not surprised.
6: Big surprise here to anyone who knows me (sarcasm? me? NO! :p), but i actually like cuddling and doing other, more interesting things, such as hypnosis, bondage, flogging, etc., more than sex.
7: When i listen to music, i feel a need to actually learn and understand the lyrics, and will actually stop listening to otherwise awesome music if i don't like them. i'll also listen more to music whose lyrics i like than to that with lyrics i'm indifferent to. Which puts "I Am The Walrus" in a very weird place for me, separate from the weird place everyone ELSE puts it in.
8: While most of the video games i like tend to have a fair amount of violence in them (i do love several games set in the Warhammer 40k setting, after all, and the Total War series of historically-based wargames), i do greatly respect the makers of the Tony Hawk games and Portal and its sequel for demonstrating that you could have MASSIVELY awesome games without a single bit of real violence in them. i do wish they'd bring the Tony Hawk games back to when they didn't suck, though.
9: i LOVE rollercoasters, even though i'm still pretty scared of heights... Possibly because of it, actually. i've ended up riding an inverted rollercoaster (with your feet dangling and a safety-harness dropping down from above you, with heavily padded bars on either side of your head) and asking my companion, because i was too high on adrenaline to be properly coherent, "Do your eels fear warm?", when i meant "Do your ears feel warm?" i'm PROUD to have ridden two different rollercoasters that were the tallest in the world when i rode them, including the first to top 300 ft.

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