It's worth mentioning that these are in no particular order. I don't pretend to know my own heart well enough to prioritize it. I think this is probably the first time I've ever tried to figure out what it even likes. :)
8. Like my writing. It's shameless egotism, I know, but my writing is an expression of myself. Saying that you like it tells me that you understand me.
7. Enjoy vegging out. For me, a lot of the best times I've spent with friends and family don't involve going someplace special and doing some kind of grand, organized activity; just hanging out and watching TV or playing games can be fun if you do it with the right people. I'm very happy to say I know a lot of the right people.
6. Read a lot. One of the ways that Goddess makes me happiest is that She enjoys reading, She reads very quickly, and She and I can really discuss what we read together on an intellectual level. She appreciates subtext and symbolism, She's terrifyingly smart, and I really feel like I can converse with Her as an equal about books we both like.
5. Backrubs. Hey, I'm no dummy. :)
4. Understand my sense of humor. I don't necessarily ask you to share it; my sense of humor was shaped by my grandfather, Mystery Science Theater 3000, and the Muppets. This means that it is generally strange and bent towards bad puns. If that makes you cringe, you're probably not the person for me.
3. Top me. I have very rarely had a relationship in which I wasn't at least a little subby at times. It makes me feel happy to do nice things for people, and if that shades a little bit into D/s, then so much the better.
2. Make me feel wanted. Lady Ru'etha's greatest gift as a person is that She has a knack for making you feel special, loved, and desired. I didn't get much of that before Her, and it was a wonderful experience having it happen. There are a lot of important things I do that probably would have fallen by the wayside without Her encouragement.
1. Don't be afraid to be informal. I like simple food, I dress comfortably, and I don't do much formal entertaining. I like to feel as though it's okay to simply be myself, and I love people who like to simply be themselves too, whatever those selves happen to be.
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