Friday, May 13, 2011

My first attempt at a post here

It's been almost 2 weeks since the collaring ceremony at NEEHU2. It felt amazing to be standing and kneeling next to Squiikitoi and give myself to my Lady and Goddess after 3 and a half years of watching all of the family band together in good times and bad. While the memories of the night fade, due to fractionation fog from the weekend and funky sleep schedules due to my job, as well as my fluid and mildly chaotic personality, the knowledge that I'm officially part of the family gives me the beginnings of feelings that have been foreign to me for a long time: safety and home.

The emotional high from the weekend has faded with time, as things do. And, as I commented to someone during the post-ceremony congratulations, "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water." (Thank you Goddess for reminding me of the exact quote that night.) That quote is one of the lessons that life has taught me many times. It fits for enlightenment and beautiful moments, as well as for the darker times. Life goes on, in many ways unchanged. I serve her as I have before, giving emotional support (and back scritches). Making sure that I take care of myself as well as others. What's changed, though, is the physical reminder that I am *HERS.* I feel my collar around my ankle, safely on yet out of sight of those who aren't in the know to avoid questions they might not like the answers to. Even when I only get to see her for a few hours a day because of our opposite sleep schedules, I feel her with me now more than ever, and it feels right.

I'm with my Goddess. I'm home.


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