Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Soup Tastes Like Aircraft De-Icer. Glycolicious!

I live in company housing, drive a company vehicle, take company vacations. When I was in training, I even ate company food and exercised in the company gym. And they said cyberpunk was science fiction...

Anyhow, my major project at the moment is preparing to swap company houses, because the company decided that it makes more sense for all us employees to live at the same end of town. Having walked 4km to get home in 30cm snow at -30℃ (plus windchill) after dropping off the company vehicle at the fourplex where all my coworkers live, I happen to agree!

This has put certain elements of reestablishing my daily self care plan/rituals on hold, because it's simply more important to get boxes packed. (It's also why this, last week's post, is coming out on Tuesday. Oops.) The up side is that moving houses will give me a clean psychological break between old habits and new, and that will help me to rededicate myself to improving myself for Her. I may have to formalize that, have some sort of small ceremony to get every part of my psyche on board.

At least there's one self-care element that went right during this period: today, as I'm packing and cleaning, I've only consumed two caffeinated beverages, a coffee at breakfast and a Coke at lunch. One day in the past week, I consumed six, one of which was a 355mL blend of caffeine, taurine, maybe some hydrazine, and Goddess knows what else. Anyhow, this week I paid $16 for two 5-gallon water cooler jugs, and in addition to improving the quality of my coffee and tea, it's helped me focus on drinking plain old uncaffeinated unsweetened water. Which is GOOD.

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