Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Seven things that cross your mind a lot.

1. How much I love hearing my loved ones being happy. (Especially when they make little happy noises!) I firmly feel that joys are multiplied when they are shared.

2. What ways have I pleased my Goddess lately and what ways have I yet to do. She has a standing set of orders for me, which I keep a pretty close eye on, not to mention trying to find little things to make Her happy.

3. What is there to entertain me? I have a small iPod Touch (8Gb is pretty small to me lol), I love to read and chat with people. It's pretty easy, to be honest. Just keep a steady stream of stuff going. It's my need, and I think I do a pretty good job of it.

4. Play and kinky stuff. In short, I want more. I'm still pretty inexperienced.

5. Hypnosis. I love the feeling of letting go and blatantly not being in control for a while.

6. How much the doctor will rant at me once I finally get insurance (done!) and make an appointment. (Coming soon!)

7. I wish I was much more creative. I know a lot of artists in various mediums (music, art, writing, etc) and I admire them so. I dream of being able to walk alongside them.

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